*** Changelog ***

= 1.9.3 - 2022-08-31 =
* Add - Tracking API #792
* Fix - Improve compatibility with Siteground Optimizer plugin #797
* Fix - Transaction ID in order not updated when manually capturing authorized payment from WC #766
* Fix - Failed form validation on Checkout page causing page to be sticky #781
* Fix - Do not include full path in exception #779
* Fix - PUI conflict with Germanized plugin and taxes #808
* Enhancement - Enable ACDC by default only in locations where WooCommerce Payments is not available #799
* Enhancement - Add links to docs & support in plugin #782
* Enhancement - Put gateway sub-options into tabs #772
* Enhancement - Show tabs only after onboarding #789
* Enhancement - Add header on settings page #790
* Enhancement - PUI add option for a phone number field next to the Birth Date field #742
* Enhancement - PUI gateway availability on pay for order page with unsupported currency #744

= 1.9.2 - 2022-08-09 =
* Fix - Do not allow birth date older than 100 years for PUI. #743
* Fix - Store the customer id for vaulted payment method in usermeta to not lose vaulted methods after the invoice prefix change. #698
* Fix - Capture Virtual-Only Orders setting did not auto-capture subscription renewal payments. #626
* Fix - Voiding authorization at PayPal did not update the status/order notes. #712
* Fix - PayPal scripts were loading on pages without smart buttons or Pay Later messaging. #750
* Fix - Do not show links for unavailable gateways settings pages. #753
* Fix - The smart buttons were not loaded on single product page if a subscription product exists in the cart. #703
* Fix - DCC was causing other gateways to disappear after checkout validation error. #757
* Fix - Buttons not loading on single product page with default settings when product is in cart. #777
* Enhancement - Improve Checkout Field Validation Message. #739
* Enhancement - Handle PAYER_ACTION_REQUIRED error. #759

= 1.9.1 - 2022-07-25 =
* Fix - ITEM_TOTAL_MISMATCH error when checking out with multiple products #721
* Fix - Unable to purchase a product with Credit card button in pay for order page #718
* Fix - Pay Later messaging only displayed when smart button is active on the same page #283
* Fix - Pay Later messaging displayed for out of stock variable products or with no variation selected #667
* Fix - Placeholders and card type detection not working for PayPal Card Processing (260) #685
* Fix - PUI gateway is displayed with unsupported store currency #711
* Fix - Wrong PUI locale sent causing error PAYMENT_SOURCE_CANNOT_BE_USED #741
* Enhancement - Missing PayPal fee in WC order details for PUI purchase #714
* Enhancement - Skip loading of PUI js file on all pages where PUI gateway is not displayed #723
* Enhancement - PUI feature capitalization not consistent #724

= 1.9.0 - 2022-07-04 =
* Add - New Feature - Pay Upon Invoice (Germany only) #608
* Fix - Order not approved: payment via vaulted PayPal account fails #677
* Fix - Cant' refund : "ERROR Refund failed: No country given for address." #639
* Fix - Something went wrong error in Virtual products when using vaulted payment #673
* Fix - PayPal smart buttons are not displayed for product variations when parent product is set to out of stock #669
* Fix - Pay Later messaging displayed for out of stock variable products or with no variation selected #667
* Fix - "Capture Virtual-Only Orders" intent sets virtual+downloadable product orders to "Processing" instead of "Completed" #665
* Fix - Free trial period causing incorrerct disable-funding parameters with DCC disabled #661
* Fix - Smart button not visible on single product page when product price is below 1 and decimal is "," #654
* Fix - Checkout using an email address containing a + symbol results in a "[INVALID_REQUEST]" error #523
* Fix - Order details are sometimes empty in PayPal dashboard #689
* Fix - Incorrect TAX details on PayPal order overview #541
* Fix - Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get_name() on bool #622
* Fix - DCC causes checkout continuation state after checkout validation error #695
* Enhancement - Improve checkout validation & order creation #513

= 1.8.1 - 2022-05-31 =
* Fix - Manual orders return an error for guest users when paying with PayPal Card Processing #530
* Fix - "No PayPal order found in the current WooCommerce session" error for guests on Pay for Order page #605
* Fix - Error on order discount by third-party plugins #548
* Fix - Empty payer data may cause CITY_REQUIRED error for certain checkout countries #632
* Fix - Mini Cart smart buttons visible after adding subscription product to cart from "shop" page while Vaulting is disabled #624
* Fix - Smart buttons not loading when free product is in cart but shipping costs are available #606
* Fix - Smart button & Pay Later messaging disappear on the cart page after changing shipping method #288
* Fix - Disabling PayPal Checkout on the checkout page also removes the button from the Cart and Product Pages #577
* Fix - Partial refunds via PayPal are created twice/double in WooCommerce order #522
* Fix - Emoji in product description causing INVALID_STRING_LENGTH error #491
* Enhancement - Vaulting & Pay Later UI/UX #174
* Enhancement - Redirect after updating settings for DCC sends you to PPCP settings screen #392
* Enhancement - Add Fraud Processor Response as an order note #616
* Enhancement - Add the Paypal Fee to the Meta Custom Field for export purposes #591

= 1.8.0 - 2022-05-03 =
* Add - Allow free trial subscriptions #580
* Fix - The Card Processing does not appear as an available payment method when manually creating an order #562
* Fix - Express buttons & Pay Later visible on variable Subscription products /w disabled vaulting #281
* Fix - Pay for order (guest) failing when no email address available #535
* Fix - Emoji in product description causing INVALID_STRING_LENGTH error #491
* Enhancement - Change cart total amount that is sent to PayPal gateway #486
* Enhancement - Include dark Visa and Mastercard gateway icon list for PayPal Card Processing #566
* Enhancement - Onboarding errors improvements #558
* Enhancement - "Place order" button visible during gateway load time when DCC gateway is selected as the default #560

= 1.7.1 - 2022-04-06 =
* Fix - Hide smart buttons for free products and zero-sum carts #499
* Fix - Unprocessable Entity when paying with AMEX card #516
* Fix - Multisite path doubled in ajax URLs #528
* Fix - "Place order" button looking unstyled in the Twenty Twenty-Two theme #478
* Fix - PayPal options available on minicart when adding subscription to the cart from shop page without vaulting enabled #518
* Fix - Buttons not visible on products page #551
* Fix - Buttons not visible in mini-cart #553
* Fix - PayPal button missing on pay for order page #555
* Enhancement - PayPal buttons loading time #533
* Enhancement - Improve payment token checking for subscriptions #525
* Enhancement - Add Spain and Italy to messaging #497

= 1.7.0 - 2022-02-28 =
* Fix - DCC orders randomly failing #503
* Fix - Multi-currency broke #481
* Fix - Address information from PayPal shortcut flow not loaded #451
* Fix - WooCommerce as mu-plugin is not detected as active #461
* Fix - Check if PayPal Payments is an available gateway before displaying it on Product/Cart pages #447
* Enhancement - Improve onboarding flow, allow no card processing #443 #508 #510
* Enhancement - Add Germany to supported ACDC countries #459
* Enhancement - Add filters to allow ACDC for countries #437
* Enhancement - Update 3D Secure #464
* Enhancement - Extend event, error logging & order notes #456
* Enhancement - Display API response errors in checkout page with user-friendly error message #457
* Enhancement - Pass address details to credit card fields #479
* Enhancement - Improve onboarding notice #465
* Enhancement - Add transaction ID to WC order and order note when refund is received #473
* Enhancement - Asset caching may cause bugs on upgrades #501
* Enhancement - Allow partial capture #483
* Enhancement - PayPal Payments doesn't set transaction fee metadata #467
* Enhancement - Show PayPal fee information in order #489

= 1.6.5 - 2022-01-31 =
* Fix - Allow guest users to purchase subscription products from checkout page #422
* Fix - Transaction ID missing for renewal order #424
* Fix - Save your credit card checkbox should be removed in pay for order for subscriptions #420
* Fix - Null currency error when the Aelia currency switcher plugin is active #426
* Fix - Hide Reference Transactions check from logs #428
* Fix - Doubled plugin module URL path causing failure #438
* Fix - is_ajax deprecated #441
* Fix - Place order button from PayPal Card Processing does not get translated #290
* Fix - AMEX missing from supported cards for DCC Australia #432
* Fix - "Save your Credit Card" text not clickable to change checkbox state #430
* Fix - Improve DCC error notice when not available #435
* Enhancement - Add View Logs link #416

= 1.6.4 - 2021-12-27 =
* Fix - Non admin user cannot save changes to the plugin settings #278
* Fix - Empty space in invoice prefix causes smart buttons to not load #390
* Fix - woocommerce_payment_complete action not triggered for payments completed via webhook #399
* Fix - Paying with Venmo - Change funding source on checkout page and receipt to Venmo  #394
* Fix - Internal server error on checkout when selected saved card but then switched to paypal #403
* Enhancement - Allow formatted text for the Description field #407
* Enhancement - Remove filter to prevent On-Hold emails #411

= 1.6.3 - 2021-12-14 =
* Fix - Payments fail when using custom order numbers #354
* Fix - Do not display saved payments on PayPal buttons if vault option is disabled #358
* Fix - Double "Place Order" button #362
* Fix - Coupon causes TAX_TOTAL_MISMATCH #372
* Fix - Funding sources Mercado Pago and BLIK can't be disabled #383
* Fix - Customer details not available in order and name gets replaced by xxx@dcc2.paypal.com #378
* Fix - 3D Secure failing for certain credit card types with PayPal Card Processing #379
* Fix - Error messages are not cleared even when checkout is re-attempted (DCC) #366
* Add - New additions for system report status #377

= 1.6.2 - 2021-11-22 =
* Fix - Order of WooCommerce checkout actions causing incompatibility with AvaTax address validation #335
* Fix - Can't checkout to certain countries with optional postcode #330
* Fix - Prevent subscription from being purchased when saving payment fails #308
* Fix - Guest users must checkout twice for subscriptions, no smart buttons loaded #342
* Fix - Failed PayPal API request causing strange error #347
* Fix - PayPal payments page empty after switching packages #350
* Fix - Could Not Validate Nonce Error #239
* Fix - Refund via PayPal dashboard does not set the WooCommerce order to "Refunded" #241
* Fix - Uncaught TypeError: round() #344
* Fix - Broken multi-level (nested) associative array values after getting submitted from checkout page #307
* Fix - Transaction id missing in some cases #328
* Fix - Payment not possible in pay for order form because of terms checkbox missing #294
* Fix - "Save your Credit Card" shouldn't be optional when paying for a subscription #368
* Fix - When paying for a subscription and vaulting fails, cart is cleared #367
* Fix - Fatal error when activating PayPal Checkout plugin #363

= 1.6.1 - 2021-10-12 =
* Fix - Handle authorization capture failures #312
* Fix - Handle denied payment authorization #302
* Fix - Handle failed authorizations when capturing order #303
* Fix - Transactions cannot be voided #293
* Fix - Fatal error: get_3ds_contingency() #310

= 1.6.0 - 2021-09-29 =
* Add - Webhook status. #246 #273
* Add - Show CC gateway in admin payments list. #236
* Add - Add 3d secure contingency settings. #230
* Add - Improve logging. #252 #275
* Add - Do not send payee email. #231
* Add - Allow customers to see and delete their saved payments in My Account. #274
* Fix - PayPal Payments generates multiple orders. #244
* Fix - Saved credit card does not auto fill. #242
* Fix - Incorrect webhooks registration. #254
* Fix - Disable funding credit cards affecting hosted fields, unset for GB. #249
* Fix - REFUND_CAPTURE_CURRENCY_MISMATCH on multicurrency sites. #225
* Fix - Can't checkout to certain countries with optional postcode. #224

= 1.5.1 - 2021-08-19 =
* Fix - Set 3DS contingencies to "SCA_WHEN_REQUIRED". #178
* Fix - Plugin conflict blocking line item details. #221
* Fix - WooCommerce orders left in "Pending Payment" after a decline. #222
* Fix - Do not send decimals when currency does not support them. #202
* Fix - Gateway can be activated without a connected PayPal account. #205

= 1.5.0 - 2021-08-09 =
* Add - Filter to modify plugin modules list. #203
* Add - Filters to move PayPal buttons and Pay Later messages. #203
* Fix - Remove redirection when enabling payment gateway with setup already done. #206
* Add - PayPal Express Checkout compatibility layer. #207
* Fix - Use correct API to obtain credit card icons. #210
* Fix - Hide mini cart height field when mini cart is disabled. #213
* Fix - Address possible error on frontend pages due to an empty gateway description. #214

= 1.4.0 - 2021-07-27 =
* Add - Venmo update #169
* Add - Pay Later Button –Global Expansion #182
* Add - Add Canada to advanced credit and debit card #180
* Add - Add button height setting for mini cart #181
* Add - Add BN Code to Pay Later Messaging #183
* Add - Add 30 seconds timeout by default to all API requests #184
* Fix - ACDC checkout error: "Card Details not valid"; but payment completes #193
* Fix - Incorrect API credentials cause fatal error #187
* Fix - PayPal payment fails if a new user account is created during the checkout process #177
* Fix - Disabled PayPal button appears when another button is loaded on the same page #192
* Fix - [UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY] error during checkout #172
* Fix - Do not send customer email when order status is on hold #173
* Fix - Remove merchant-id query parameter in JSSDK #179
* Fix - Error on Plugin activation with Zettle POS Integration for WooCommerce #195

= 1.3.2 - 2021-06-08 =
* Fix - Improve Subscription plugin support. #161
* Fix - Disable vault setting if vaulting feature is not available. #150
* Fix - Cast item get_quantity into int. #168
* Fix - Fix Credit Card form fields placeholder and label. #146
* Fix - Filter PayPal-supported language codes. #154
* Fix - Wrong order status for orders with contain only products which are both virtual and downloadable. #145
* Fix - Use order_number instead of internal id when creating invoice Id. #163
* Fix - Fix pay later messaging options. #141
* Fix - UI/UX for vaulting settings. #166

= 1.3.1 - 2021-04-30 =
* Fix - Fix Credit Card fields for non logged-in users. #152

= 1.3.0 - 2021-04-28 =
* Add - Client-side vaulting and allow WooCommerce Subscriptions product renewals through payment tokens. #134
* Add - Send transaction ids to woocommerce. #125
* Fix - Validate checkout form before sending request to PayPal #137
* Fix - Duplicate Invoice Id error. #143
* Fix - Unblock UI if Credit Card payment failed. #122
* Fix - Detected container element removed from DOM. #123
* Fix - Remove disabling credit for UK. #127
* Fix - Show WC message on account creating error. #136

= 1.2.1 - 2021-03-08 =
* Fix - Address compatibility issue with Jetpack.

= 1.2.0 - 2021-03-08 =
* Add - Rework onboarding code and add REST controller for integration with the OBW. #121
* Fix - Remove spinner on click, on cancel and on error. #124

= 1.1.0 - 2021-02-01 =
* Add - Buy Now Pay Later for UK. #104
* Add - DE now has 12 month installments. #106
* Fix - Check phone for empty string. #102

= 1.0.4 - 2021-01-18 =
* Fix - Check if WooCommerce is active before initialize. #99
* Fix - Payment buttons only visible on order-pay site when Mini Cart is enabled; payment fails. #96
* Fix - High volume of failed calls to /v1/notifications/webhooks #93
* Fix - GB country has ACDC blocked. #91

= 1.0.3 - 2020-11-30 =
* Fix - Order with Payment received when Hosted Fields transaction is declined. #88

= 1.0.2 - 2020-11-09 =
* Fix - Purchases over 1.000 USD fail. #84

= 1.0.1 - 2020-11-05 =
* Fix - PayPal Smart buttons don't load when using a production/live account and `WP_Debug` is turned on/true. #66
* Fix - [Card Processing] SCA/Visa Verification form loads underneath the Checkout blockUI element. #63
* Fix - Attempting to checkout without country selected results in unexpected error message. #67
* Fix - Remove ability to change shipping address on PayPal from checkout page. #72
* Fix - Amount value should be a string when send to the api. #76
* Fix - "The value of a field does not conform to the expected format" error when using certain e-mail addresses. #56
* Fix - HTML tags in Product description. #79

= 1.0.0 - 2020-10-15 =
* Initial release.